A Hardworking Heritage.
Created in Buffalo by Buffalonians, hard work is in our DNA. As a member of the "Rust Belt" and historically a manufacturing town, a majority of Buffalo's post-depression population was made up of steel workers, ship builders, dock workers, and many other blue-collar professions. Combined with our somewhat "unpredictable" weather, it made for a pretty tough place to live and work, especially through the winter months.
After the war, Buffalo began to see a decline in its population. But recently we have seen a major resurgence in the city. We feel that Buffalo Outdoors is going through a bit if a resurgence as well. We have been working hard to improve and build upon our foundation by increasing the quality of our work wear without impacting the affordability of it. We know you work hard, and we know that your clothes take a beating. So why would you spend $100 on a jacket? This is our mission at Buffalo Outdoors.
We always have and always will continue to put you, the customer, first.